Monday, July 19, 2021

Council Meetings - 20 July 2021

It's been a while since a Council meeting has been cancelled. There were only two items on the agenda. One was continued by the Planning Commission, and the other one was not urgent. There are plenty of important topics in the Work meeting, though. The one I'm most concerned about is the Levee Plan. I hope we move forward with our eye wide open and fully consider alternatives.

Work Meeting Agenda

1:30 pm, Tuesday, July 20, 2021


  1. A presentation on the Quarterly Report for the 3rd Quarter of Fiscal Year 2021 (21-007)
    This is a high level overview of revenues and expenses in the City for the 3rd quarter of fiscal year 2021. Many of the revenues continue to grow beyond the pre-pandemic levels, and almost all are higher than budgeted. Presentation only.
  2. A presentation on the South Utah Valley Animal Shelter's euthanasia techniques (21-084)
    The Utah Animal Rights Coalition (UARC) has been attending city council meetings in Utah County over the use of carbon monoxide to euthanize animals. Since Provo is a member of the South Utah Valley Animal Shelter (SUVAS) which utilizes a carbon monoxide (CO) chamber, it has been suggested by Provo's Animal Control Division that the Council hear a presentation on SUVAS' use of a CO chamber, how it works, and why it is used. At the direction of the Council Chair, staff has also prepared a memorandum (on the differences between carbon monoxide and intravenous injection euthanasia) and will be discuss findings. Hat's off to the Council's current intern on this great analysis. This is an emotional issue, and different groups are telling very different stories. However, this analysis cuts through and gets to the heart of the issue. Presentation only.
  3. A Presentation on Technical Findings from the Provo Parks and Recreation Master Plan. (21-046)
    Pros Consulting will present the findings from technical data related to the Provo Parks and Recreation Master Plan in process. There isn't much to preview until the findings are presented. They aren't in our document packet. Presentation only.
  4. A presentation regarding the Westside Levee Plan. (21-079)
    The West Side Levee Plan examines the levees along the Provo River as well as those around the airport to examine their existing condition as well as determine what will need to happen to obtain Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) accreditation. Provo City and the CRS Engineers team have partnered to study the levees along the lower Provo River and Utah Lake and to develop a plan to certify existing levees. This report has been prepared to document the existing conditions of the levees; present alternatives for rehabilitating the levees so that Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) accreditation can be obtained; and recommendations for moving forward with a preferred alternative. Perhaps I misunderstand the history, but it is concerning when a $50M project arises out of the blue. Presentation only.
  5. A discussion regarding a Municipal Council Handbook Amendment (21-086)
    o Pursuant to UCA 52-4-207, the Municipal Council has a policy enabling attendance by electronic communications, which prior to the COVID-19 pandemic had only consisted of traveling councilors calling in via telephone to meetings. Over the past 16 months, the use of video conferencing for meetings has widely used and of such high quality and convenience during the pandemic that Council leadership and Council staff intend to continue using Zoom to enable public comment in the regular meetings, enable some presenters to make their presentations virtually, and enable attendance for those elected officials or staff who want or need to participate despite travelling. The medium is so convenient that many have asked why return to: [insert work, church, public meetings, etc. here]. Council leadership suggests additional language be added to the policy making clear that in person attendance is expected whenever possible. I support the proposal. The proposed language was adopted with the change “or when no in-person meeting was held) 7:0.

  6. Administration: Mayor's Update

  7. A presentation on Projects Funded by the Innovation Fund (21-085)
    The Innovation Grant Fund Program was created several years ago to encourage our employees to think outside the box and be innovative in their approach to their jobs or challenges. The program successfully launched one round of initiatives/ideas. In late 2019, the program was re-initiated and the program began promoting and soliciting Provo City employees to submit innovative ideas. This presentation will focus on a broad report on innovation funds uses and results. I love this program and look forward to the presentation. Presentation only.

  8. Business

  9. A discussion regarding the Neighborhood Program. (21-071)
    During the Work Meeting on June 15, 2021, the Council heard a presentation regarding the Neighborhood Program. As part of the discussion the Council heard about several problems the program is encountering and possible reasons why the problems may have arisen. The item was continued for further discussion and direction from the Council on how best to address these problems. The Council needs to decide on the best move forward. This would include deciding on or if a committee should be formed to address the issues as well as deciding what aspects of the program need to be reviewed. I support the neighborhood program because I think it has been a significant net positive for the residents of Provo. I support reviewing the program because I believe it has the potential to be even better. I wish every neighborhood chair could receive the training that I did. A motion to review the neighborhood program was approved 7:0. A motion to create an ad hoc committee comprised of Councilor Travis Hoban as chair, George Handley as Vice-chair, and David Shipley as a committee member, to review the scope and purpose of the neighborhood program was approved 7:0.
  10. A presentation on the Provo River Delta Restoration Project (21-083)
    The Provo River Delta Restoration Project focuses on recovering the threatened June sucker and overall restoring the area’s natural ecosystem. Furthermore, “improved recreation opportunities including trails, trailhead parking areas, restrooms, river access, fishing platforms, interpretive features, and a viewing tower" will be built. The restoration began in 2020 and is anticipated to be completed in 2024. This presentation will provide an update of what has been completed so far, describe ongoing operations, and outline the future phases at the restoration project. I support this project and look forward to its completion. I am disappointed, though, that the trail along the lakefront will be removed. Presentation only.
  11. A presentation regarding the Development Process: "Context: How design, density, and aesthetics interact" (21-080)
    The Council has indicated that it would like to receive presentations on a variety of development issues. Staff has invited speakers on a variety of topics relevant to community development. The discussion today centers on the interconnection of design and density. I'm excited about this presentation. I think that a significant portion of the public's resistance to density has been because so much of our higher-density developments have been so poorly designed. The poor outcomes are due to poor design, but people chalk it up to the increase in density. This item was continued to a future meeting.

  12. Closed Meeting

    Closed meetings (aka executive meetings) are held without the public present and must meet one of the conditions listed in Utah State Code (§ 52-4-204 and 52-4-205 et. seq.). If a closed meeting is needed, it will be announced at that time. A closed meeting was held.


Regular Meeting Agenda

5:30 PM, Tuesday, July 20, 2021


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