Friday, October 12, 2018

The Provo Police, Fire, and City Facilities Bond

"Shall Provo City, Utah be authorized to issue General Obligation Bonds in a principal amount not to exceed $69,000,000 million and to mature in no more than 20 years from the date or dates of issuance of such bonds for the purpose of paying all or a portion of the costs of: acquiring, constructing, and equipping in the downtown area a new police and fire headquarters, emergency dispatch center, and city hall; acquiring, constructing, and equipping a new fire station to replace the fire station on Canyon Road; and providing for related improvements in Provo City; and, to the extent necessary, for providing moneys for the refunding of general obligation bonds?"

This fall, Provo City is asking you to allow us to borrow up to $69 million dollars to replace our police, fire, and dispatch centers, city hall and city offices, and Firestation #2. This would raise property taxes on the median home in Provo by about $10 per month. This is not something that we did lightly and comes at the end of a very involved process of determining our needs and the most responsible way to meet them.

I invite everyone to learn about the bond and to make up their own minds whether or not it is justified. Here are some ways that you can do this:
After reviewing all of the material and going on the tour, I am reluctantly yet resolutely supporting the bond. Asking for money from our citizens is never easy, but the needs are such that not acting would be irresponsible.

If, after reviewing the information, you agree that this is a necessary and critical need for Provo, I invite you to help out in the following ways.
*It's late notice but tomorrow, 13 October, 9am at the Pioneer Park Farmer's Market, we'll be starting a blitz to raise as much awareness as possible about the bond. Join us for the big kickoff.

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