I estimate that three out of every four people I spoke with yesterday
while knocking doors was not registered to vote.
Think about that. (And consider that our dismal voter participation rates are based on the number of registered voters, not the number of eligible voters.)
Let's do something about it. Registering to vote is one half of being an informed voter. The other half is becoming informed, but that won't help if the person is not registered. Tuesday is the deadline to register. We can work on getting informed after that.
Registering online is the easiest way for most people.
If you are reading my blog there is an extremely good chance that you are already registered to vote. Which is why I need your help. We can all make a difference by reminding people between now and Tuesday to register. If you are on Facebook, please share my "
register to vote" ad, which links directly to the online registration site. If you are on Twitter, please retweet my
plea. If you are going to a football game today, please remind the fans around you. If you are going for a night out on the town, pester the people you bump into. If you are attending a church this weekend, make an announcement. If you are going into work before Tuesday, encourage your coworkers to register.